Electric Vehicles

Picture of Kim Beavon

Kim Beavon

Founder and Director of Haven Health and Safety

As time goes on, we more and more see the promotion of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the press and media. I recently attended a Webinar and the guy speaking stated that ‘only Electric Vehicles now are advertised on TV’….. Well, I have to admit that had completely passed me by – or perhaps the advertisers subliminal advertising was a little too subliminal for me!

Anyway, popping on my Health and Safety hat, I have begun reading some troubling news stories – perhaps with a more sinister twist for the EV ‘revolution?


There have been many anecdotal tales I have been told over the last couple of years or so regarding EV fires etc. You may have heard stories or seen posts or articles about such stories in your locality.

So where does that leave us in relation to our ‘risk management’? In short no differently to any other ‘risk that we manage’!

It is all about:

  • The right equipment for the right job;
  • Installed by the right (competent) people;
  • Installed in the correct place (with the correct protection);
  • Used in the correct manner (training our employees/employee awareness);
  • Maintenance and Inspection regimes;
  • Emergency measures.

You can find further guidance from the Fire Protection Agency (FPA) at:


There is a very handy checklist at the rear for you to use BEFORE installing units!

Other areas other industries may wish to review are working on EVs. The HSE have produced some useful guidance around this:


and GOV.UK: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1059083/recovery-_operators-working-with-electric-vehicles.pdf

Now it is with some trepidation that I provide these links as it seems to be at the moment a much moving target as the technology develops. So, my advice is to stay informed and follow the guidance!